Curriculum Overview


Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Sixth Form

Term 1: Area of Study 4: Popular Music

AOS4: Popular Music

Students will be exploring a range of popular music styles, including bhangra and fusion music, but also spending time focusing on the second set work that falls into this area of study.

• Topics 1/2

• Set work 2

In Composition students will be introduced to their set briefs for their first NEA.

In performance:

• Students to perform a range of popular songs

• Students to perform some of the indian rhythms needed in bhangra music.

• Assessment: Half an Exam Paper

No composition or performance assessment this term. Composition is a work in progress.

Diegetic Music
Music that is heard by both the characters in the film and the audience watching the film.

Music that is heard quietly under spoken dialogue in a film.

A recurring theme or musical idea that is used to represent a character or place in the film.

A grand opening to a piece usually performed by a Brass section.

Quartal Harmony
Harmony created when chords are built using fourths one on top of each other instead of traditional thirds.

Inverted Pedal
Similar to a pedal (or pedal note) but heard above the main melodic line instead of below.

Neopolitan Sixth
A major chord built on the flattened second (supertonic).

Compound Interval
An interval bigger than an octave eg a ninth, eleventh etc.

A continuous slide upwards, or downwards between two notes.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Helps to understand musical theatre in context, it's history and development. Harmonic knowledge is developed within this context as is understanding of musical devices and techniques.

Create a supportive community:
Widens the range of musical skills and includes those interested in the world of musical theatre. Students are able to draw on a range of musical interests and knowledge.

Term 2: Area of Study 4: Popular Music (continued)

• AOS4: Popular Music Topics 3/4

• Recap of Set work (AOS4)

• Exam practice

In composition students will continue with their set brief piece.

In performance students will be preparing for a solo recording.

In Appraisal lessons students will have a full paper as part of their Mock.

Students will record their first solo performance.

In composition students will submit their set brief piece.

Acoustic Guitar
Non-Electric classical or steel strung guitar

A repeated musical pattern, can be pitched or non-pitched.

A genre of Brazilian Music.

When one performer improvises a solo.

A given chord (often a V7) that brings you back to the main 'head' or main melody.

Extended Chords
Chords with a 7th, 9th, 11th or 13th added.

Altered Chord
A chord where one note has been raised or lowered by a semi-tone.

Enharmonic Equivalent
All notes have two names eg A sharp or B flat.

The relationship between voices who are harmonically independent (Polyphony).

To record, or play, over an existing recording.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Further study of popular music enables students to see the influence music has had on the world and how different cultures have influenced the world of popular music.

Create a supportive community:
The pieces that are explored through this unit enable students to learn a variety of cross-rhythms, new harmonies and structures. In addition they are opening their ears to music from different backgrounds and cultures.

Term 3: Recap and Consolidate: AOS1 and AOS2

• Recap and Consolidate AOS 1: Musical Forms and Devices and AOS2: Music for Ensemble.

Free Composition

Recording of all ensemble pieces.

Aural exercises and some assessment on Focus on Sound.

A range of exam questions and aural exercises set.

Practice 10 mark essays.

Recording of all ensemble pieces.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Exam preparation and coursework completion.

Create a supportive community:

Term 4: Recap and Consolidate AOS3 and AOS4.

Students will recap and consolidate their understanding of these AOS.

Students will continue to work on the set brief composition.

Any final performances that need recording will be done in this term.

Students to have completed one free composition and set composition from a set brief. These need to be scored and a written commentary needs to be attached. Two compositions together should last 4 mins.

Any last performance recordings need to be completed.

Exam practice and 10 mark essay.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
This is focused times for each student to complete their course work which will contribute a large part of their final mark. Students need time for creative ideas to develop and time with their teacher to reflect and assess how their work may be improved.

Create a supportive community:
Students may compare work and appreciate ideas from others in their class.,

Term 5: Exam Revision

Students will prepare for the final written paper.

Short answer exam style questions including melodic dictation and unfamiliar listening. Plus 10 mark essay question practice.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
This will help the individual consolidate their learning and prepare for the exam.

Create a supportive community:
Students are able to share knowledge and ideas for revision. Students compare answers and discuss appropriate musical language and terminology.