english as an additional language (eal)

Students are classified as EAL if the language in their home is different to the language in which they are taught, i.e. English.

EAL is not classed as a learning difficulty or Special Educational Need, at King’s we recognise that some EAL learners do require additional support.

Students identified as having EAL will have their individual needs and English competency evaluated and met in the same way as every other individual in the cohort. King’s has an EAL co-ordinator at King’s who has oversight of the provision for our young people with EAL.

Depending on the level of need, students may have access to EAL support by using a bilingual dictionary of their home language, assistive technology, or, in more extreme cases, from teaching assistants in the classroom. More advanced learners of English will have continuing support in line with their varying needs as they develop competencies over time.

At King’s we recognise that features of good EAL practice include:

  • providing specialist support for newer arrivals
  • providing continuing support for more advanced learners including sixth form students
  • monitoring EAL attainment and progress
  • assessing learners’ proficiency and literacy in their first language
  • providing information and training for staff on the needs of EAL learners