king's school PTA

The King's School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) runs fundraising events to support the school and to build community. 

The current Committee members are:

  • Chair - Mr Suresh Vasnani
  • Vice-Chair - Vacant
  • Secretary - Vacant
  • Treasurer - Mrs Sally Crawford and Julia Nixon
  • Committee Members - 

    Amanda Roberts, Niki Nestora, Kate Osborne, Katherine O'Hara, Celia Nicholls, Kitty Taylor-Birnie, Ally Soanes, Aloyse Gascoigne, Hayley Kelso, Suzanne Smith, Laura Thaxter, Beverley Webb

All parents and carers are very welcome to attend PTA meetings. Dates will be advertised to all parents.

The PTA Committee can be contacted via email at

Please find a copy of our PTA Constitution here.  


Payments for PTA events can be made using the sum up link here.  Events can be paid for in advance, you will receive confirmation of booking within 5 working days via an email from the PTA. If you would like to buy uniform, please email the PTA for stock and only make payment after you have the items.

Minutes of PTA Meetings

For minutes of PTA meetings, please select the menu item on the right. 

Supporting the PTA

You can support the PTA by playing our school lottery, using a give whilst you shop service or donating uniform, time or fuds. Please use the links below and to the right or contact us for more information. 

PTA Lottery

One easy way to support us is by signing up for the school lottery. Your support really does make a big difference, over the last year just 32 supporters buying a £1.00 ticket has raised over £800.  That's a visualiser for the Maths department and two table tennis tables for the PE department.  Imagine what we could buy for the students if we were able to double that!