This page provides information on applying for admission into Year 7. For information on joining other years, please select 'in year admissions' from the menu to the right.
Applications for Year 7 school places are made through your home Local Authority. Usually this will be one of Brighton and Hove City Council, East Sussex Local Authority or West Sussex Local Authority. Links to the admissions departments of each authority can be found at the bottom of this page. You do not need to apply directly to the school unless you are applying for a faith place, in which case you should send us your supplementary information form directly, as well as submitting your common application form to your local authority. More information on faith places can be found below.
King's School follows the admissions timeline for other Brighton and Hove LA schools. A full timeline can be found at the bottom of this page.
The school receives a list of all applications which included King's as a preference. If the school receives fewer applications than it has places, all applicants will be offered a place. NB- The school has been oversubscribed for the last five years. If the school receives more applications than it has places, it is considered to be oversubscribed, and we will rank all applications in order of priority for admission as listed in our admission policy. This means that spaces are first allocated to students eligible under priority one, then priority two etc. until all available spaces have been allocated. Any applications which are not allocated a place are still included in the ranking process. Please note, as with other local schools, we do not have access to information on parental preference and so do not take this into account. This data is then returned to Brighton and Hove City Council who coordinate Year 7 admissions across the city and make offers on schools' behalf. For information about Brighton and Hove's processes, please visit their website. If you believe your child is eligible for admission under any of the priorities 1-5, please note this on your application form and provide documentary evidence as appropriate. Evidence submitted will be reviewed by the relevant panel of governors and applied to applications when ranking application if eligible. Please note that submitting evidence to support a priority admission does not guarantee your application will be granted priority.
King's is an ecumenical Christian school, affiliated with the Church of England. Our admissions criteria allows for 50% of places offered, after those allocated to certain protected groups (see admissions priorities listen in the school's policy), to be given on a faith basis. To qualify for a faith place, families must be regular attenders at a Church which is a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, or a member of the Evangelical Alliance for at least two years prior to application.
If you wish to apply for a faith place, please ensure you submit a Supplementary Information Form directly to the school, when you apply for a place. This form must be signed by your Priest/Minister. The deadline for submission of SIFs for a Year 7 September place is always the end of November.
SIFs submitted on time will be reviewed by the relevant committee of governors who will check that the form meets the criteria listed in the school's admissions policy. If the school receives more valid applications for faith places than it has spaces available, places will be offered in priority of proximity to the school's admissions nodes.
All applications which do not qualify for another admission priority will be considered for an 'open' place. Open places are offered to the students who live closest to the school's admissions nodes.
If your child has been offered a place at King's for the 2024/25 school year please view our guidance letter on how to accept your place. If your child did not gain a place at King's and you would like to find out more, please scroll down on this page for information.
Please click here for the summary of initial offers made for our Year 7 cohort joining us in September 2024.
Appeals - September 2025
If you were not offered a place at King’s School and you wish to appeal the decision, please contact to request the relevant paperwork which will need to be completed and returned by the end of March 2025. Please mark it for the attention of ‘The Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel’. The Clerk will the arrange for your appeal to heard by an Independent Panel, who will consider;
- Whether the admission arrangements complied with the admissions law and whether they were correctly and impartially applied,
- Whether the admission arrangements were correctly applied in your child’s case,
- Whether the school could admit an additional child without prejudicing the efficient education or efficient use of resources, and
- If they think that prejudice would occur, they will then balance the reasons for your child to go to the school against the prejudice to the school.
Appeals will be heard by the Independent Panel on the 12th, 13th and 14th May 2025 via zoom.
If you have any questions about appeals, please contact your Local Authority or the school’s admissions team.
Timeline for School Admissions | |
1 September 2024 | School application process starts. It's time to find out about schools in your area and apply for a school place |
31 October 2024 | The deadline to apply for a school place is 11:59pm. |
30th November 2024 | The deadline for Supplementary Information Forms (King's School only) |
22 January 2025 | The deadline to apply late for a school place with a good reason. |
February 2025 | Applications are looked at and school places are decided. |
3 March 2025 | National Offer Day. If you applied online you'll get an email from school admissions to let you know the outcome of the application. If you applied by post, a letter will be sent to you by first class post. |
15 March 2025 | The deadline to accept or refuse the school place offered. If you don't reply the offer could be removed. |
28 March 2025 | Deadline to make an appeal if your child wasn't offered a place at one of the schools you listed as the first, second or third preference. |
April to August 2025 | Appeals are discussed and decided at meetings called appeal hearings. Children in the reallocation pool are offered school places as they become available. |
September 2025 | Children start school. |